Mallorca yacht tour

Mallorca is the largest of the Balearic Islands, a real paradise for lovers of Mediterranean exoticism and gourmets. Every year, the “Night of Lights” holiday is held here, during which the night sky glows with all the colors of the rainbow from thousands of fireworks, bonfires and torches. You just can’t miss it, so we suggest you go on Mallorca yacht tour!

Palma de Mallorca is the ideal sailing destination in Europe. Beginners and seasoned professionals alike will get the most out of sailing trips in the Balearic Islands, where sailing weather is almost always ideal. As for sea tourism, anywhere in the world there is an optimal season, when it is warm and quiet, there are no rains and stormy winds. In Mallorca, itโ€™s June.

Summer has already begun, but not yet so hot, tourists are just beginning to arrive and local beaches, bars and restaurants are not yet overflowing with them. The average temperature in the Balearic Islands in June is up to 28 ยฐ C, and the sea water temperature is up to 24 ยฐ C. These are optimal conditions for outdoor recreation. You can swim in the sea, sunbathe, and take a walk, and at the same time not fry in the sun.

Mallorca yacht tour

What is Fiery Night on the Balearics?

Warm sea and good weather are not all. In June, namely on the 22nd, an annual holiday is held here – “fiery night”. If we draw an analogy with the Slavic world, this is something like the holiday of Ivan Kupala. “Night of Fire” is celebrated as part of the San Juan Festival, which is celebrated for an entire week. This night is the shortest of the year. Local, dressed in white, launch thousands of fireworks, burn old things in the squares for good luck, swim in the sea to wash away everything old, cleanse the soul and body. This holiday is most widely celebrated in Palma.

Balearians dressed in demon costumes run through the streets with torches in their hands. Everyone gathers on the shore for a grandiose rock concert, while tons of fireworks are launched into the sky, turning night into day. This is an amazing holiday, you will not see anything like it anywhere else in the world.

But “Night of Fire” is only one day. The rest of the time we will spend on the yacht, complementing it with discoveries of local cuisine. Although Mallorca is a small island and not many people live here, the local cuisine is very diverse, just like the whole country. Some of the local dishes have already become world bestsellers, while others can only be found here. Here you can try gazpacho and tapas, traditional for Spain, albeit with local characteristics, as well as unique things like tumbet, sabrasada and enseimada.

Mallorca yacht tour

Tur route:

Palma – Port Sawyer – Port Poyensa – Cala Ratjada – Porto Colom – Cabrera Island – Palma

Tour program:

1 day.ย  Palma de Mallorca

So, our adventure begins in the largest city in the region – Palma de Mallorca. We meet in the marina, get to know the captain and the ship, and after check-in we go for a walk around the historical center and get acquainted with the local tapas bars. For centuries this city has been a place where cultures of different countries meet: Arabs and Byzantines, Castilians and Catalans, and yachts from all over the world can also be found in the local port.

Palma abounds in various ancient structures from the Middle Ages. Perhaps the most famous building in the city can be considered the Gothic cathedral, which was built on the site where there was once an Arab mosque, and nearby was the royal palace of the medieval Moors, Amudania. Another medieval guardian stands across the bay – Bellver, a fortress, atypical for Europe, round in shape, which was built in the 14th century by order of Jaime II, the king of the island.

We will visit the famous promenade, walk the maze of streets of the old city, and of course visit the local tapas bar. Here you will have the opportunity to taste the local cuisine for the first time. Tapas is a Spanish appetizer with many different options and recipes. Naturally, here in the Balearics, there are versions of this dish. This dish is so varied that it is even difficult to define its type. Tapas are served both hot and cold, it can be sweet, like a dessert, sometimes it is fishy, โ€‹โ€‹sometimes it is meaty. Local products are often added there, seafood and local olive oil are often used here in Mallorca.
Mallorca yacht tour - 4 - Sparks Life Ukraine

2 day. Port Sawyer

So, we leave the hospitable Palma de Mallorca and go to explore the Balears further. Our first point is Port Sawyer. We will stop at local beaches along the way, so you have plenty of time to enjoy the sun and the Mediterranean.
We will sail along the northeastern coast near the Sierra de Tramunta mountain range. It has everything you need for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday: beautiful beaches, secluded bays, uninhabited islands, beautiful views of promontories and cliffs.

The medieval port of Sawyer is built according to a typical scheme for these places: the port is located on the coast, and the city center is located in the interior of the island (this was done in order to protect against pirate raids). It has long been engaged in fishing, and over the centuries, little has changed, except that the vessels have become modern.

This is still the same fishing town with narrow winding streets and small restaurants serving seafood dishes. We arrive at the port and from there we take a retro tram to the center. Previously, oranges were transported to the port by this route. Even the name of the city comes from the ancient Arabic Sulyar, which means “Golden Valley”, hinting at the abundance of oranges around. The Arabs, who previously owned this island, built a whole irrigation system here, and thanks to the artificial supply of water, they have grown here and continue to grow grapes and oranges.

The town itself is as if copied from a postcard – neat houses, cozy streets, palm trees and smiling people, you want to stay here longer. We will spend an unforgettable evening here. Naturally, in the evening we go to a small restaurant where we will continue our acquaintance with the local cuisine and admire the sunset over the sea. The dish of the second day is a local highlight, a tumbet made from local ingredients: eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes. Tumbet is a vegetable stew, something like a ratatouille, or caponata.

Mallorca yacht tour

3 day. Alcudia

So, we continue our journey on Mallorca yacht tour and our next destination is the town of Alcudia. We will walk along the northern coast and Cape Formentor. On the way there we will make several stops, in particular in the Cala Tuent bay, a cozy place among the rocks with access to the beach. Our second stop is Torrent de Pareis canyon – a huge picturesque canyon (the second largest in the Mediterranean), you can get here either by a long walking route along the rocks, or simply and quickly – by sea. The landscapes here are simply amazing. Rocks, a cozy bay and a small village of Sa Calobra on the shore. Next, we will proceed north around the northern tip of the island – Cape Formentor. You can take a bunch of photos in places where massive 100-meter cliffs go straight into the sea – a unique sight.
So, we arrive at our final destination for today – Alcudia. We moor at the nearest marina and set off to get to know the town. During these days, you will have time to see medieval buildings and streets, but here in Alcudia, this is an integral ensemble, it has hardly changed over hundreds of years. There are almost no modern buildings in the central part of the town, so you can freely enjoy the flavor of a medieval Mediterranean town.

4 day.ย  Sierra de Tramentana

Today the day begins with a short trip inland by car – we will visit the Sierra de Tramuntana mountains (included in the UNESCO World Heritage List) at Cape Formentor. There we will have a small picnic among these breathtaking cliffs. Then, having refreshed, we will go along the local serpentines and stop at the port of Poyensu, as well as visit the ancient Abbey of De Luc, the oldest active monastery on the island.

After admiring the mountains and rocks, we go back to our yacht. It’s time to sail to our next destination – Kale Rajade. On the way, we will make several stops in the bays of Cala Molto and Cala Aguela. Arriving at the final destination, we set off for Cape Capdepera, the eastern tip of the island of Mallorca. There we will visit the lighthouse and the fortress.

Mallorca yacht tour

5 day. Port Kolom

Mallorca is full of caves and on our fifth day of travel we will visit some of them. Let’s start with Kuvas del Drak (Dragon Cave). But do not worry, you will not have to wander in the dark through the underground, everything is arranged for tourists here – lights, signs, route, ticket office. But the second cave is a really wild place, you can only get here through the grotto from the sea side, and for this you have to dive, so that unforgettable impressions of the underworld of Mallorca are provided to you today.

So, we go along the western coast to the small town of fishermen – Porto Cristo, near which our “Dragon’s lair” is located. As it should be, the cave is full of stalactites, stalagmites, and underground lakes. The cave got its name because of the local beliefs about the mythical dragon that supposedly guards the entrance to the cave. And there is something to guard here. According to legend, the famous order of the Knights Templar hid their treasures here, and corsairs with stolen money and jewelry swam here … Who knows, maybe you will be lucky enough to find a mythical treasure here.

Further we will continue south along the coast and on the way visit the bays of Varkes, Blanc and Marganer. Our second point is the entrance to the underground cave, which is located under the waterline.

If you are not afraid to dive, we recommend that you visit this amazing place. There is no infrastructure here, as in the previous cave, but everything looks real, and there are no tickets.

Our next destination is the fishing town of Port Kolom. Here, the locals try to live as before, and despite the tourism boom, they resist globalization.

People live here and fish in the local bay, like hundreds of years before, and the small white houses that reach the very shore have not changed their appearance over the centuries. If you’re lucky, you can buy fresh catch from the fishermen.

Mallorca yacht tour

6 day. Cabrera

Today we will change our usual yacht route along Mallorca along the coast and go to a small group of islets – Cabrera. Most of them have a national park, there are almost no buildings here, so you can enjoy the nature of the islands to your fullest.

On the way, we will sail to the rocky arch and the picturesque bays of Mondrado and des Moro. There you can swim and sunbathe.

Cabrera is a protected area, so mooring in areas not designated for this is strictly prohibited, but we will reserve a place in advance so you can stay here overnight.

Previously, pirates often stopped on these islands, there was even their fortress here. “Castillo de Cabrera”, as it is called, has survived to this day, and from the top of the hill on which it is located a wonderful view of the bay and the sea around.

Yes, one beach is not much, but here it is not necessary, there are enough other interesting natural objects. The island has a bunch of grottoes and caves, as well as amazing snorkeling spots. You will dive into the world of fish, octopuses, and sea urchins. As we already said, there are almost no residential buildings on the island, so no one and nothing will prevent you from enjoying the beautiful nature of the Balearic Islands.

Mallorca yacht tour

7 day. Palma da Mallorca again

So, early in the morning we say goodbye to Karbera and go back to Palma, on the way we will visit a couple of cozy coves and beaches so that you can swim and sunbathe again and before the end of the day we will return to the main city of Balearic. We will spend the night in the city bay.

8 day. End of the Mallorca yacht tour

Our sea voyage is coming to an end, but the weekend is ahead, so we recommend that you do not rush to the airport. We recommend that you visit the bodegas (local wine cellars), without which the impressions of these islands will be incomplete. You must taste the local wine! We also recommend you visit the towns of Deia, Valldemos and Fortaflux.

Our yacht in Mallorca yacht tour – Oceanis 50

We will discover the Balears aboard the large comfortable yacht Oceanis 50. In total, up to 10 people can be on board (5 double cabins + 3 bathrooms and 3 baths), plus there is a large deck and saloon, a spacious galley with a refrigerator and stove.

Mallorca yacht tour

The cost of Mallorca yacht tour:

740 EUR per person (total of 8 seats available)

Included in cost:

  • Place in a cabin (double);
  • captain’s services;
  • diving equipment + boat;
  • bed linen and towels for the entire cruise;
  • overnight in the port of Palma;
  • cleaning the yacht;

Paid separately:

  • Airplane tickets;
  • transfer from / to the airport;
  • visas (not required for Ukrainians);
  • insurance, (up to 15 EUR);
  • purchase of food, fuel, and payment for parking in marinas (approximately 150 euros);
  • onshore program;
  • insurance deposit (150 EUR), if there were no incidents, is returned upon completion.

Answers to frequently asked questions about yacht tours

If the weather gets bad, will the tour be postponed?

As a rule, we work in the high season, and at this time the region is dry and warm, so the likelihood of a strong storm, due to which the tour will need to be rescheduled, is very small. However, when it comes to weather, you canโ€™t be 100% sure of anything, so in such situations the tour is postponed. In this case, all details will be discussed with you individually.

Yes, this option is possible. In this case, you are not booking a ship, but only a separate cabin. If there are enough people, the tour will take place on the scheduled dates.

All boats rented by charter companies are insured, however you and all crew members will need to take out travel medical insurance (for active sports)

You rent a yacht entirely for your group. You decide among yourselves who will be in which cabin. As a rule, cabins do not differ much from each other in terms of space and comfort. If you are not booking a yacht, but a private cabin, then you can choose from the options that are currently available.

Almost half of all people experience this unpleasant phenomenon to one degree or another, but fortunately, there are a few simple things that can help you in such a situation. Here they are: seasickness on a yacht, what to do?

The cost of tickets is not included in the price of the tour; you buy the tickets yourself separately. But our specialists are ready to help you in this matter. They will advise you how, where and when it is best to do this.

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