Privacy policy

Sparks Life Worldwide, an international company, understands the value of non-disclosure of confidential data and privacy data. Our company believes that such aspects of life should not be disclosed without the consent of the client, and also can not be used for advertising and other purposes.

Our customers are not required to provide personal information when visiting sites related to Sparks Life Worldwide without consent. We only collect user data that they voluntarily leave. We do not force the client to provide his personal information, which for some reason he does not want to disclose. In addition to the data that will need to be indicated, when the client draws up any of the services indicated on the site.

A specially appointed employee who works directly with him has access to the clientโ€™s personal data; no other specialist has access to the userโ€™s confidential information. The security of personal information is monitored by IT employees of the company. The IT department is constantly monitoring the security of non-disclosure of information without access to it.

This allows you to protect personal data from unauthorized access to third parties. All information that was provided to our resource is protected. It is stored by our employee who works with the owner of this data. Before starting to work with confidential information, each employee signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and is responsible for its safety. This serious responsibility is entrusted only to our most reliable employees.

Our company does not use the confidential data of its customers for its own purposes. Sparks Life Worldwide does not transfer personal data of its customers to third parties. It does not sell confidential information for use in advertising. Visitors to the companyโ€™s resource will never be bothered by marketers who have received their data through the international company Sparks Life Worldwide.

Sparks Life Worldwide has the ability to change its privacy statement without user consent. Such a policy does not imply the signing of a formal agreement between the company and its user, who went to its resource or provided its personal data.