Yachting in the Caribbean

The geographical location of the Caribbean islands makesย yachtingย popular regardless of the season.ย A large group of islands, called the Antilles, stretched a long chain between North and South America.ย From the northeast, the archipelago is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The warm Caribbean Sea breaks gentle waves on the beaches from the southwest side.

The climate in the region is very mild and warm, the air temperature is above 25ยฐC.ย Beaches with white sand and lush exotic vegetation, inspiring underwater world make rest a paradise.ย Dolphins, big turtles, motley parrots and other abodes of the fauna add colors to the exotic beach.

The islands combine natural exoticism with man-made landmarks built for tourist purposes.ย There are a large number of pompous colonial-style buildings, palaces and museums, entertainment places.ย Tourists have access to incredible landscapes and organized entertainment.

Territorial features of the Antilles

The Antilles includes more than 50 islands of different sizes, which differ from each other by natural data, leisure style, and conditions of stay.ย The reason for the diversity is the degree of development of the territory and the belonging of parts of dry land to a specific state.ย Each island is a separate state or island part of a separate country.

Geographically, the Caribbean archipelago is divided into Large (4 close to the mainland of the island) and the Lesser Antilles.ย The Big Islands include Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and Puerto Rico, which have their own ports and personal fleet.ย Yachting tourism here is very high, as water transport links play a pivotal role.

Sailingย in the Caribbean differs significantly from navigation in the Atlantic waters.ย The southwest pool is protected from the winds, it is calm and reliable.Swimming in the open Atlantic Ocean is full of extreme thanks to the noisy rampant waves.

The round dance of small islands is aย series ofย territories of different degrees ofย habitabilityย .ย They are divided into leeward and windward.ย There are strange places and cities with developed infrastructure and a wide range of tourist services.ย The yacht industry is developed in the Virgin Islands, Antigua andย Barbudaย , Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent.

Duringย yachtingย in the Caribbean, a wonderful sea holiday, filled with exotic, will definitely be remembered.ย Impressive underwater world with its inhabitants, lush coral reefs, stingrays, lobsters and refined beaches with coconut trees caress the eyes of travelers.

All this heavenly natural beauty contrasts with the background of an intensively developing civilization, represented by the luxury of mansions and the poverty of the slums.

Since the Antilles are separate distinct political territories belonging to different states or separate island countries, before choosing a yacht tour, one should take into account the particularities of entry and stay on the island.

You need to decide on the direction in advance in order to properly arrange foreign documents and solve all your questions.ย Contact Sparksย company experts and we will be happy to help you with the design of an individual tour.

Information for travelers

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